Monday, December 15, 2008

Come in for cookies / Christmas BLT

When you´re in my street you know you are at the right place when you see this mini Christmas tree in the doorway. Welcome! Come in! Gather around the tree and I will serve you Swedish pepperkakor. Here are some recipes in English, Swedish and Dutch. "A traditional Swedish Christmas recipe, they are crispy, brown, and delicious plain or decorated. Different from your everyday gingersnap!" Original recipe yield 4 -5 dozen INGREDIENTS (Nutrition) 2/3 cup packed brown sugar 2/3 cup molasses 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 3/4 tablespoon baking soda 2/3 cup butter 1 egg 3 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour Add to Recipe Box My folders: Add to Shopping List Add a Personal Note DIRECTIONS Place butter in a large, heatproof bowl. In a medium saucepan, heat brown sugar, molasses and spices just to boiling point. Add baking soda and stir in. Pour this mixture over the butter and stir until it melts. Beat egg and mix in; add flour, a cup at a time, and blend thoroughly. Turn out onto a lightly floured board and knead 1-2 minutes. Wrap in waxed paper and chill until firm (about an hour). Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (170 degrees C). Roll out to approximately 1/8 inch thickness on a lightly floured board and cut into desired shapes. Place on greased baking sheets and bake for 8 - 10 minutes. Remove from sheets and cool on racks; may be decorated with piped icing or whatever else you like! Pepparkakor Ingredienser Portioner: ca 125 st 2 1/2 dl brun farin 3/4 dl ljus sirap 3/4 dl vatten 150 g smör eller margarin 1 msk kanel (malen) 1 msk ingefära (malen) 1 tsk kryddnejlikor (malda) 7-8 dl vetemjöl 1 1/2 tsk bikarbonat Tillagningstid: Över 20 min Svårighetsgrad: Medel Gör så här 1. Blanda farinsockret, sirapen och vattnet i en kastrull. Koka upp blandningen. 2. Lägg i matfettet och låt det smälta. Tillsätt kryddorna. 3. Låt massan kallna utan omrörning. 4. Rör i bikarbonaten och 6-7 dl av mjölet. Resten används till utbakning. 5. Linda in degen i plastfolie. Låt den stå kallt till nästa dag. 6. Sätt ugnen på 175°C. 7. Arbeta degen smidig på mjölat bord. Knåda ev in resten av mjölet. 8. Kavla ut degen tunt och ta ut kakor med mått. Lägg dem på smord plåt eller på bakplåtspapper. Grädda kakorna mitt i ugnen i 175°C, 6-8 min. 9. Låt kakorna svalna på plåten. Förvaras i burk i rumstemperatur eller i frys. Omschrijving De geur van versgebakken koekjes! Een lekker kopje thee! Dit deeg is in een half uurtje klaar maar moet wel een nachtje in de koelkast vooralleer te bakken. Ingrediënten -500gram suiker. -1/3lsiroop. -1ei. -500gram boter. -3dl slagroom. -2el.gemberpoeder. -2el gemalen kaneel. -2el gemalen kruidnagel. -1el gemalen kardemom. -1el maagzout(bicarbonaat). -1,3kg bloem. Bereidingswijze -Roer boter,suiker,ei en siroop tot een gladde massa. -Meng er de specerijen onder. -Vervolgens doe je er de geklopte room bij. -Meng bloem en bicarbonaat en roer door het beslag. -Meng tot je een los deeg bekomt. --Bestrooi met bloem en laat het deeg minstens een nacht in de koelkast rusten. -Neem dan een gedeelte van het deeg en rol dit dun uit op een op een met bloem bestoven werkblad. -Maak figuren met kerstvormpjes die in het deeg worden gedrukt,of maak vormpjes met een mes. -Bak de deegfiguurtjes in een oven van 200 graden gedurende 5 tot 10 minuten. Or If you don´t have so much time, or when you are, like me, not a kitchen princess you can also buy them at Ikea (when you don´t live in Sweden) Recipes are from the internet (I buy mine at Ikea, sorry folks) Nice pink dish with cookies is from a Cat in the Kitchen (please visit this blog) The trees are mine................. Hope you enjoyed your stay!


  1. alles lyk wonderlik en jy is gereed nou. liefs van n sonnerige sa.xx

  2. Your Ikeasnaps are delicious! I have you on the tour list, so you had better dash out for more! Thanks for participating in this fun event!

  3. yummy marianne!
    your cookies are wonderful!
    i wish we could come by!

  4. Stopping on by for the bloggyland xmas! Those cookies are yummy - Ikea - here I come!!

  5. Your Christmas trees look great. I'm going to have to bake those cookies. They sound yummy! Thanks for sharing.

    I stopped by from the Christmas in Bloggyland Tour.

  6. Thanks for the cookies! The trees are beautiful—thanks for sharing!

    Merry Christmas!

  7. A wonderful Christmas post Marianne! Festive, colorful and yummy. Ikea-lol.

  8. Yeah, you are so into these.
    Great Christmas Deco and baking cookies.
    Sure, this is a great festive season to be extra merry in all things that we do.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Mmmm, the pepperkakors look yummy! I bought some Ikea cookies just a couple of days ago.

    I love the idea of putting a little tree by the front cheery and welcoming! Merry Christmas!

  10. These are my favorite kind of cookies!! I want the kitty one :)

    Lovely trees too!

    HCM and hugs :)

  11. Hi Marianne....

    how wonderful and festive!!! I love all your wonderful decorations and the cookies look yummy....I have to start my baking soon!!!


  12. Thanks for the festive snack...a perfect light treat as I was just getting a wee bit hungry from all the excitement today! I took the recipe in English home with me...hope to try them next week! :) Happy Holidays! :)

  13. Another pound gained! Since my mother is German we have Swedish friends and these are typical holiday cookies! Yummy!
    Wishing you and your loved ones a
    blessed and merry Christmas! Sincerely, Petra :))

  14. Wow wat heb je het gezellig gemaakt!! Ziet er heel warm uit.


  15. I love your blog.

    Thanks for the yummy cookies. I'm going to get fat on the Christmas Tour in Bloggyland! :o)

    Merry Christmas! ♥ ∞

  16. How thoughtful to share your recipes... what a lovely decorations as well. I hope to try those cookies out. =)

  17. Hm, for some reason I was expecting your house to have a Christmas cactus instead of a tree.

    I love your little turtles chasing my mouse pointer. That's very relaxing.

    :) Kelly

  18. Great Bloggyland Tour! I so wish for an Ikea!!

  19. I love visiting everyone's trees in blogland. I don't decorate usually though did one last yr for mom. And the cookies are delicious. Sometimes I like to bake and other times not. Thank you, crunch crunch

  20. love all the christmas spirit around here!

  21. Greetings, came by for Muse Swings Christmas tour today as I was delayed on Monday due to computer problems. Better late than never as the saying goes!

    Oh those cookies look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us too!

    Well I'm off to finish the tour! Have a Merry Christmas!


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