Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nara Marina

We returned yesterday from our trip to Friesland. Friends of ours live in the picturesque village IJlst. This mandala I painted for their youngest daughter Nara. Wat a cutie she is! Used symbols in this mandala: spiral, four leaf clover, cats, star and heart . In terms of spirituality, the spiral symbol represents the path leading from outer consciousness (materialism, external awareness, ego, outward perception) to the inner soul (enlightenment, unseen essence, nirvana, cosmic awareness). In terms of rebirth or growth, the spiral symbol represents the consciousness of nature beginning from the core or center and thus expanding outwardly. This is the way of all things, as recognized by most mystics. Gisteren zijn we terug gekomen van ons tripje naar Friesland. Vrienden van ons zijn daar in het pitoresque IJlst gaan wonen. Deze mandala was voor hun jongste dochter Nara. Wat een schatje overigens! Gebruikte symbolen in deze mandala: spiraal, klavertje vier, katten,ster en hart. Spiraal: teken van de reis van het innerlijke leven en de ziel naar buiten. Het staat ook voor groei, expansie en kosmische energie.. These pictures of Sjimmie were taken while I was painting the mandala, but I couldn't show you them at the time. I love the black against the colorful background. Deze foto's zijn van Sjimmie genomen toen ik met de mandala bezig was, maar ik kon ze destijds niet laten zien. Ik vond dat zwart geweldig tegen die kleurrijke achtergrond, ze verterken elkaar. BTW Sjimmie is doing fine. Here is a picture taken just now. His eyes have turned olive green. Sjimmie doet het goed. Deze foto heb ik net gemaakt. Zijn ogen zijn inmiddels olijfgroen.


  1. What a neat mandala...awesome to include all of those elements...interesting to read about them! Cuteset of cute kitties for sure!!!

  2. die oranje katjes in jou mandala is die beste. daardie sjimmie....hy is nogal so pragtig...maar my liewe hindjies, koekie en droppie is ....wonderlik...soene vir hulle...en miskien n klein soentjie vir sjimmie....liefs en wfs.

  3. Marianne, you are so sweet to make mandalas for your friends. Such lovely gifts. Sjimmie is sooo cute still. He has that little white patch beneath his chin. I had a black cat like that and sadly she disappeared last spring.

  4. Marianne, this is a lovely gift to be sure. I love the colors and the symbolism, too. You have certaintly made me take a closer look at the spiral...which I recently stated I had not been attracted to paint until I started working with my non-dominant hand!

    And little Sjimmie is really looking as adorable as always...what a precious little kitty.

    Thanks Marianne.

  5. What an adorable kitten! Very nice work.

  6. Hi Marianne....welcome back!!! lucky you with all the wonderful travels....

    the Mandala you created for their daughter is lovely and I love all the photos you took with the cutie pie....


  7. This is a beautiful mandala Marianne! Love the soft colors.

    And SJIMMIE!! he is turning from a cutie to a very handsome fellow!!! Thanks for posting his photo.

  8. No wonder you put cats on the mandala with all that kittie help when making it. It is lovely.

  9. What a beautiful mandala. Sjimmie's eyes changed colour??? What's up with that? Oh, well. He is still really handsome.

  10. He is getting big... but still so beautiful with that rich black coat and spot of white on his chest. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend. =)

  11. wat een schitterende mandala,
    ik heb er ook eens ooit een laten maken, weet niet waar de tekening gebleven is, maar de beschrijving ligt hier naast me:-)

    wat een mooie kat zeg...

    groetjes klaproos,
    OT dank je wel voor je bezoek aan mijn log


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