Saturday, June 18, 2011

Empress Joséphine

Here is step 1 of my mandala for Josje, which I gave her today.
She is born on the 7th so a violet flower with 7 petals in the middle.
And guess.... what is the name of this clematis?
Empress Joséphine!!!
How appropriate since Josje's name is Joséphine Charlotte.

Josephine Clematis Plant
In real the leaves are more pink, but just like a poet I allowed myself some artistic license here.

The clematis symbolizes ingenuity or artifice. It stands for creativity, intelligence and idealism.  The clematis also means mental beauty.


  1. I always like to see how you create your mandalas. This is no exception. Love the beginning colors. This clematis looks so lush.

  2. I have just discovered the beauty of a clematis! I love them...I just am not sure they will grow here. Love to see how your mandala evolves, Marianne!

  3. the mandala colors are lovely. as is the clematis which actually doesnt it come in different colors?

  4. I love seeing your mandala evolution. The colors are wonderful. Your artistic license is right on.

  5. I have missed so much here in our awayness. Catching up with so much love and beauty..


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