Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Looking at Eatch Other

Our deer Saar en Annemie looking at the dogs across the street in our other garden. Onze hertjes Saar en Annemie kijken naar de hondjes die aan de overkant achter het tuinhek zitten. Koekie en Droppie looking at the deer. Poor Doggies, why on earth did men invent fences?! Koekie en Droppie kijken naar de hertjes. Arme hondjes, waarom hebben mensen hekken uitgevonden?! Here is Troelie looking at me. "No fence can stop me". Hier kijkt Troelie naar mij. "Geen hek dat mij tegenhoudt".


  1. I know you mentioned you had deer in your yard before but I didn't realize you meant you had dear as pets! Great photos esp the doggies looking out.

  2. Hi Marianne...thank you for popping by and saying hello...nice to soo your blog and all the wonderful photos...


  3. daardie twee hondjies koekie en droppie is so lieflik, hulle is pragtig en so man wil nie vir snuffles baie bad nie, hy se dit is nie goed vir honde nie. snuffs is sowat vuil...maar jou koekie is so wit....ha ha ek is lief vir jou twee. en die kat is ook baie mooi. groete aan jou my vriendin.en baie wfs ook.

  4. Lovely photos Marianne! Troelie looks full of personality too (:

  5. lovely animals you've got...
    oh yes cats can pass through places you can't even think of...

  6. Quiche, that's exactly the right description for Troelie! full of personality.............. hihi

  7. Hey Marianne, what a animal paradise! So astonishing to see the deer there looking at us, and the doggies looking out from behind the fence:) Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing!
    (my blog cestandrea is temporarily banned by google, don't know why, in the meantime I post on MIss Doodle's blog:)
    have a wonderful weekend


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