Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mignon step 2


Step 2 :
7 purple lotus buds. The Lotus bud is perhaps the single most popular offering of the Buddhist as he worships at his temple, or his home altar. It is quite often held in the folded hands of the listener within the temple as sermons are given or meditation is practiced. Often in the early morning hours as the Buddhist bonze makes his way through the streets with the "merit bowl" wherein the laity may earn merit by giving cooked rice, there will be a Lotus bud or two within his hand. Likewise, it has come to form a part of Asian architectural and sculptural motifs.

A lotus bud is a symbol of potential growth, pureness, truth and spirituality.

I like to use this in the middle of the mandala as the person is at birth gifted with all these potentials and later in life (and in the mandala) all these things will blossom.

Have a wonderful Sunday :)


  1. Ik blijf het zo leuk vinden om te kijken hoe creatief je bent. Is neus en ik snuffel en krijg altijd zin om ook weer te beginnen.

  2. Bedankt Miriam. Jij bent zelf ook altijd een inspiratie!


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