Sunday, November 15, 2009

And here are mine!

A= for Apple blossom B= for Bee on Buttercup
C= for Cactus Wren
D= for Desert Rose
E= for Elephant
F= for Frog
G= for Goldfish
H= for Hibiscus
I= for Iris
J= for Jellyfish
K= for Klimt's Kiss
L= for Lunamoth
M= for Maneki Neko
N= for Nautilus
O= for Orchid
P= for Passion flower
Q= for Quan Yin
R= for Rainbow Mandala
S= for Sunflower
T= for Tattoo
U= for Unicorn
V= for Violet
W= for Waterlilly
X= for Xylopia Aromatica
Y= for Yin Yang
Z= for Zebra Swallowtail
And these were the ones I made in return for our ABC ATC's Around the world swap.


  1. Ooh vind ze allemaal mooi.....
    Maar de roos,zonnebloem,klimt'kiss en ying yang !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Heb hier 2 zielige puppies,N. wezen snowboarden zere kont, enne B. kreeg les v.e groooote R.R zeer oor 2 sneeen en bloeden ach....
    Huize Schillings Ca Va?
    xxx Mar

  2. OOOOOH MY! Drop to my knees gorgeous Marianne!

  3. How wonderful to see them all together!! I smiled when I saw mine ;)

    Are you going to show the ones you got?

  4. They are all so gorgeous and so you! I smiled when I saw mine also. I'm waiting for my Z so I can post mine.

    Lolo, look back at her posts as she has shown them.

  5. What a marvellous alphabet Marianne looking fabulous all lined up here! My favourites are A and B - sooo pretty!

  6. You can be so proud of this tremendously fantastic array of art here Marianne. It all comes to gether so well...Just beautiful!

  7. Kwam even langs om naar je cactus van vandaag te kijken. Zie ik daar ineens je ATC's van het hele alfabet bij elkaar staan. Wat ongelofelijk mooi zijn ze!!!


  8. I can say that the ying yang is much more beautiful in person than depicted on your blog. I am sure they are all as beautiful. Love seeing them all together. Cheers.


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