Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mandala Workshop

Today I will give a mandala workshop here at home for a small group of people.
I am excited..................
I will post pictures tomorrow.
I have been busy with preparation yesterday. Hope it will be a success ☺
Hope you will all have a mandala day!


  1. Can't wait to see how it goes! I'm sure of one will be a success, and loads of fun!

  2. wish I were there! have fun. I know everyone will love it.

  3. Oh, looking forward to seeing your pics - hope it went well!

  4. OOOOh how fun... I want to come and play too! Be right over! LOL :) I WISH!!!

    Have a super awesome workshop...anxious to see the results...This piece is gorgeous...:)

  5. If it's anything like the last workshop it will be wonderful!!

    I wish I could transport myself there ;)

    Looking forward to pictures...lots of them!


  6. Oh how lucky those who are there ARE to BE THERE!!!!!
    I hope it's fun for you and them...
    Can't wait to see what you all created.

  7. Of course it will go well. Just look at this beautiful mandala. I think those people are lucky to have you. I wish I could attend your workshop.

  8. Ben er weer,meid ik ga maar 3 dagen naar Edinbah met de zaak.
    Tuurlijk ben ik de 7de terug weet je al hoe laat en zo.

  9. I would love to take a mandala class with you! I hope it goes well - show us all the pics please!

  10. I love mandalas, but i've never tried to draw my own. i would give anything to be able to attend a workshop! will you show how to make one,here maybe? i hope you had a wonderful time!
    ♥ lori

    i saw you at kjs, hi! i'm lori :)

  11. If I stay at your area, I would love to join in too.
    I should buy some center piece art and try drawing mandala one day!
    That's your great mission to share this skill.
    Well done and hopr you have more students and classes to come Marianne!


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