Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back from bangkok

Have been away to bangkok for 9 days.
Nine days without much internet but packed with a lot of fun.
I took my friend Marja with me.
We walked a lot, shopped a lot and enjoyed wonderful Thai dinners.
We saw a lot, ended up in a long tail boat in a thunderstorm and we got wet to our panties.
A trip filled with fun, inspiration and adventure.
I have some catching up to do, which I will try to realize this coming week.
And I will show you some more pictures soon!
Hope you all had a good time too!
Good to see you all again.
Have a nice Sunday!


  1. You changed your picture!!!!
    That's the marianne I know ;)

    I love the mandala you posted. And the water liliies..are they real or is it a food presentation?
    I can't tell.

    I'm moving very slow today. I'll email you later!

    Welcome home. Sorry you got wet to your panties but I'm glad you had fun!!


  2. Darling Marianne! I have missed you. I am so happy you had a great trip, it sounds more than wonderful! Pictures please.
    My last nine days not so fun, I lost my little B :-(.

  3. It was FUN,even when we got wet to our panties LOL.
    This trip I will never forget thank you Dear,Beaudor is watching me like a hawk,was to bad my arrival on Schiphol isn't recorded he jumped against the ceiling,Ruud a bit lower....


  4. Hi Lo!
    The waterlilies are real and they are drifting outside in a bowl at the restaurant Ban Chiang where Marja and I had dinner twice. One of our favorites restaurants there.

    The petals are folded in a special way.

    Dear Annie,
    I read that your cat had died..... Thought I had commented, but I will verify that later.
    I know I realize when I write that I had fun there are always people who experience different feelings....
    I am so sorry for you dear. Losing a pet is a bit like losing a kid I think....... it leaves you completely depressed......

    Hi Mar!
    Too bad you didn't have a video cam with you. I would have loved to see that!
    Well he behaved so well when I got to the car!!!!! What a hunk he is!!!!
    And yes we did have fun did we!
    And I guess we are both happy to be back again and so are our DH's kids and pets. 9 days is long.......

  5. Liebe Marianne, Dein neue Photo ist sehr schoen!

    Es gefallt mir das Du und Marje so viele Spass hatten!

    Ich kann nicht warten fur die Photos auf!

    Liebe Grusse,

    ♥ Robin ♥

    p.s. Kuss der Sjimmie, und Spook und die kleine Hunden fur mich!

  6. hi marianne!
    welcome home!
    i cannot wait to see pictures from your magical adventure!

  7. dear marianne,

    i can't wait to see the photos also, i'm sure you both had such a good time!

    i'm thinking i should have been a purser too, i love all the travel you get to do. (although i know it's work also).

    your new photo is so sweet and clever with a mandala behind you.

    welcome back home!
    (hopefully you can get some rest now)
    ♥ lori

  8. Welcome home! Can imagine how much you enjoyed your trip - Thailand is a wonderful country! Love those green and white pics - the way you've made one into a Mandala is clever!!x

  9. It sounds like you had a great time. These flowers look like mandalas. Beautiful, as is your new picture.

  10. Marianne, I love the Mandala flowers. Just awesome and you are super talented!
    How did you do that?


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