Sunday, February 27, 2011

Art Project Theo Thijssen School

 Thursday the Art Exhibition was held.
Unfortunately I was out of the country, but Felix and my DH went to see it and they took pictures
 The article in the newspaper.
 Felix posing at the artworks of his class. 
 Too bad some of the pictures were a little bit blurry........but this is the painting he made in the workshop of  Goos Verwoest
 Portrait à la Andy Warhol. 
 Campbell's soup à la Felix
  He also made a mosaic.
 He made the yellow witch.
 Felix à la Keith Haring
 The mandalas in the classroom

I was there................a little bit.


  1. Felix did some really cool art projects!!! How awesome! They keep threatening taking away art classes here and I am gonna have to get up and fight over that one!!! The students mandalas turned out great!!!

  2. The whole thing is just amazing. Wonderful artwork from all the kids as well as from the talented Felix

  3. Ah, that darling Felix is so talented, no wonder with you as mom. Lovely mandalas, what a great project! xoxo

  4. What a fun time. Love all those mandalas and your pix there. I see Felix is taking after his artistic mother!!

  5. Finally I can comment!! My computer has had a very wea signal all day because of more snow :(

    Tha mandalas look wonderful! The kids are really talented, but so is the lady that drew all of them :)

    Look at sweet felix and his rosy cheeks. I just want to hug him ((♥))
    What wonderful art he did!! I was quite impressed with all of it, but especially the mosaic and the Keith Haring style. Am I the witch??

    And yes, you were certainly there in spirit...and on the bulletin board! It all looks so wonderful M.


    Lo♥ and one for Felix the artist ♥

  6. What a fantastic post Marianne! yes you were there, in every bit of Felix's art, he is his mothers son.

    i just saw a Keith Haring in a Chelsea Gallery and Felix's illustration makes me just as happy.

    All the mandalas are wonderful, you are an angel to support the school this way. I love your photo on the board overlooking it all.

    Congratulations on such a successful event. And on such a talented beautiful son.


  7. I'm sure the children had a great time with the Mandalas! Wonderful event - Felix is so talented - like his Mama, of course!

  8. Wow dat ziet er leuk uit,gaaf van school om te organiseren en jou natuurlijk om te helpen.
    Meid wat een weer he,had je niet een beetje zon mee kunnen nemen,haha.
    Vanochtend met beautje naar de dr.geweest voor zijn prik alles ok en hij weegt nu 43,1 kilo mijn puppie.
    Zit moed te verzamelen voor het bos,ligt een boek erg naar me te lonken.

    Fijne dag lieverd,xxx

  9. It always excites me to see art in a classroom like this. How wonderful that you could share this with your son and his friends.
    Yesterday I gave my grandkids the mandalas you made to share and I know they will enjoy coloring them.

  10. Oops, Marianne - sorry that comment from Jules was from me!! I'd been editing her blog and had forgotten to sign out!!! Oh well, at least you've met her now!!

  11. Hi Marianne, your son and you must had a terrific fun time doing all the wonderful Mandala creations!
    Yes, I love to see his talent in art, so many to show here.
    How I wish that my school also have such a variety of art and craft to do previously!
    Please send my regards to the little artists and to your son too Marianne.


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