Friday, July 18, 2008

Sjimmie Update

Oops what is this............a little black monster?! Oeps wat is dit..............een klein zwart monster?! Look at my hand, can you see how small he is? Kijk naar mijn hand, kun je zien hoe klein hij is? A mini-cat in a mini-bread basket before a mini-mandala. Een mini-kat in een mini-broodmandje voor een mini-mandala. Future desk stalker. Mijn toekomstige pc stalker. Last saturday we collected Sjimmie. The first 2 days I was a little worried . He had diarrhea he was squeaking all the time, he was sooooo small (for 8 weeks I think he is very small) and a little skinny. He missed his mom and brothers and sisters, I found him behind the curtain on a transformer to keep him warm (he is at least smart). So I carried him around in my shirt a lot. And we gave him a small heated blanket. Monday he did better, No diarrhea anymore, he ate well and started to feel at home. Now all my worries are gone. He plays, runs around, eats and has gained some weight. Today he purred for the first time while on my chest. It made me so happy. Sjimmie has stolen my heart already. Vorige zaterdag hebben we Sjimmie gehaald. De eerste 2 dagen maakte ik me zorgen. Hij had diahree (van het ontwormen), hij piepte alsmaar (miste zijn broertjes en zusjes en moeder). Hij was zoooo klein en een beetje mager. Zijn broertjes en zusje waren groter. Ik vond hem een keer achter het gordijn op de trafo, die hij als kruikje gebruikte, slim is hij dus wel. Sindsdien hebben we een warmtekussen van boven gehaald en draag ik hem veel in mijn t-shirt, waar ik hem vandaag voor het eerst hoorde en voelde spinnen. Hij speelt, eet goed is al wat bijgekomen en voelt zich thuis. Mijn zorgen zijn weg en Sjimmie heeft al helemaal mijn hart gestolen!


  1. Sjimmie is just too sweet. The transition was upsetting, but now he sounds like he is happy. His face is just so amazing. I have never seen such blue eyes in a kitty. Oh it makes me want a kitty now. My two cats were adults when I got them. It has been many years since I've had a kitty. But maybe not a good idea now, with fragile mom walking around. Be meow, Suki

  2. For us it is about 16 years ago since we had a kitten around, we always take older cats who need a home and the kittens we had long ago all got old and died the last years.
    It is like having a baby around! Only better, they bring so much joy!
    Did you notice I have re-named the black cat on the right? It is Sjimmie now, Sjimmie has a few white hairs on his chest as well.
    Meow to you too!

  3. Oh my goodness, that is one adorable little ball of fur! He looks rather inquisitive too! Love how he nestles up against you, the perfect fuzzy companion.
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend with your new guy. =)

  4. Cogratulations on your new family memeber! How wonderful and fun! great photos!
    m & e

  5. Very cute kitty! I'm so sorry about your other kitty, but the new one looks like it will settle in quite nicely. Even as I'm typing this my female is begging to be held. Mine are quite large and it is difficult to hold them, also they are so hairy!

  6. oh so sweeeeeeeeeeeet...hope you have a wonderful weekend Marianne!!

  7. Goeiemorgen Lieve Marianne,

    Wat een scheetje!!! Daar smelt ik helemaal van. Zou ook wel zo'n lief klein katje willen, maar ja in een caravan is dat niet echt een goed idee. Er lopen hier ook veel katten rond op de camping (zo'n 18 geloof ik) maar die zijn allemaal erg schuw. Eentje slaapt altijd in mijn voortent op de massagebank, maar als ik thuis kom, gaat ie er als een speer vandoor. Jammer hoor.

    En ik heb het gevonden hoor. Ik heb gewoon een abonnement genomen op je feeds. Dan wordt ik gewaarschuwd als je wat nieuws op je blog hebt gezet. Blijven we wat meer in contact, is toch wel heel erg leuk.

    Een heel fijn weekend!


  8. wat kan ek se? ek haat katte, maar hierdie klein gesiggie het my hart gevat...hy is net so lieflik en ek dink ek is ook vol liefde, wat gaan aan fy? jy haat katte? dit sal die eerste keer wees dat jy iets voel vir n kat? wel wel wel, elke dag leer ons iets nuut.sjimmie is ook my babatjie! aaaawwwww...en die hondjies is so wonderlik met hom...wie is beter koekie of droppie?

  9. Marianne, I see you on so many blogs and had to come here for a visit! Boy am I glad I did! I love Mandalas so much so am eager to explore you blog a lot more.

    And little Sjimmie is so very dear! Awe, I can see why your heart has been stolen, again!

    I will be spending time exploring here!

    Thank You!

  10. This is the cutest kitty ever!! is he going to be in one of your mandalas?

  11. Hi there
    your blog is beautiful, and little sjimmie is the cutest. I have a big black cat that could be her sister - Zoe is 15 years old, and loves to overeat. As she gets older she is getting more affectionate, but sometimes scratches when she's tired of being patted.
    love mandalas, too,

  12. I forgot to tell Marianne, I just joined a mandala group on yahoo if you are interested.

    So far it is very interesting


  13. Sjimmie is adorable! Congrats on your new household member. We have three full grown kitties, although one is very like a kitten. They are the light of our lives. May Sjimmie bring you as much joy as our fur babies bring us!

  14. Sjimmie is so precious. I got a warm feeling just looking at the pictures.

  15. Sjimmie is tooo cute. Such a sweetie.

  16. Fantastic photo of the kitty and dog!

  17. What a sweet little puss. No wonder Sjimmie has stolen your heart. How could you refuse such a sweet little face. He will turn out to be a purrrrfect companion.

  18. Thanks everone for your enthusiastic comments on Sjimmie.
    He is really so sweet!
    I'm holding him right now and learning to type with one hand :)

    FY, haat komt inderdaad vaak voort uit angst. je hoeft niet bang te zijn voor hem hoor. Ergens denk ik dat je de onafhankelijke geest van katten zou kunnen leren waarderen, ze passen nl wel bij jou!

    Oh Katie Jane, your cats are amazing! So beautiful and big! Are they Maine Coons?

    Hi Kim, nice to meet you! I have been on your blog once to read the interview you had with Suki, which was precious! I'll return to have another look!

    Hi Teri, he already is .
    Thanks for the link tot the yahoo group. I'll check it out later.
    I have some catching up to do after a few days away from home ;)

    Hi Jennifer, love to see Zoe.
    I have one cat who scratches too sometimes, but she is appreciated for her other qualities ;)

    Hi Lisa
    Since a few days he is purring, such a heavenly sound and feeling when you hold him!

    I saw a few new faces, I'll visit your blogs soon!

    Sjimmie is sending his regards to all of you !

  19. he has stolen my heart too... and my daughter's...
    she is a lover of cats... she has saved these pics to look at them more often... and that shot with Sjimmie in your hug is now on my desktop...


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