Thursday, January 8, 2009

Number 3 / Yellow

Here is my ATC on number 3. Yesterday Vic asked me which glitter I used And Lolo how I scanned these glitter works. Here are the answers: I have loads of glitter and use all kinds of I love glitter gelpens. In this mandala I used my favourite glitter liner. It is from Marabu and is far out the best! The tubes are more expensive than the regular glue glitters but they work very precise and I love the result, so I think they are worth the money. And Lolo, I hardly ever scan my work, I always take pictures with my D60. I bought a flash difuser and that is really worth the money. Just enough flash not too much. The big mandalas I always photograph outside but these do well with a little flash. Here some info on yellow (repost) Hope and Happiness: Yellowis sunshine. It is a warm color that, like red, has conflicting symbolism. On the one hand it denotes happiness and joy but on the other hand yellow is the color of cowardice and deceit. Nature of Yellow: Yellow is one of the warm colors. Because of the high visibility of bright yellow, it is often used for hazard signs and some emergency vehicles. Yellow is cheerful. Culture of Yellow: For years yellow ribbons were worn as a sign of hope as women waited from their men to come marching home from war. Today, they are still used to welcome home loved ones. Its use for hazard signs creates an association between yellow and danger, although not quite as dangerous as red. Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold. When yellow is your favorite color, you are filled with a zest for life. You love to go out and have fun, whether it's taking part in sports, or dancing the night away. You are an optimist and have many friends. You have a playful spirit.Yellow is associated with the number Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura. This chakra is located in the stomach area. It is linked to the stomach, liver, skin, large intestine, muscular system, and solar plexus area. The Solar Plexus Chakra is representative of vitality and will. When this chakra is open, it acts to empower a person and help them find their personal strength. It will help turn dreams and goals into reality. Gemstones that will aid the Solar Plexus Chakra include amber and citrine. More yellow? All about the color yellow Geel is de kleur van blijdschap,warmte, een rijke oogst,en vruchtbaarheid. Het is de vrolijkste en zonnigste van alle kleuren en heeft een positieve invloed op het zenuwstelsel.Geel is een kleur die opvalt, ze bevat het meeste licht van alle kleuren. Doordat ze zo opvallend is, wordt geel vaak gebruikt in de reclame of als signaalkleur in het verkeer en in de techniek. Gele auto’s zijn dankzij het feit dat ze opvallen, ook minder betrokken bij verkeersongelukken.Om die reden zijn Nederlandse ambulances ook geel.Geel is ook de kleur van wijsheid, groot denkvermogen en hoge intelligentie. Ze activeert de hersenen, zet aan tot werkzaamheid. Geel is de kleur van creativiteit en fantasie en is ook een goed middel tegen neerslachtigheid. Wie geel als favoriete kleur heeft, streeft naar veelzijdigheid, tracht voortdurend zijn of haar kennis uit te breiden, is geestelijk levendig en reist graag.Geel hoort bij het getal Geel staat in verband met het zonnevlechtchakra, dat centraal staat in de kracht van ons zelfbewustzijn als individu en onze band met de rest van de mensheid. De zonnevlechtchakra vertegenwoordigt onze zon, ons krachtcentrum. Hier nemen we de energie van de zon op, die onder meer ons etherisch lichaam voedt. Wanneer dit chakra geopend is en harmonieus functioneert, verleent hij een gevoel van vredigheid, innerlijke harmonie met jezelf, het leven en je plaats daarin. Hij geeft ons de kracht om te handelen, geeft een goed gevoel van eigenwaarde, een warme persoonlijkheid en in staat zijn om uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden.


  1. I am so enjoying the explainations you give for the colors you use and the symbols.

    This mandala is very vibrant. It is filled with energy.

    I also am glad to see what you are using for glitter. I haven't seen these pens around. I will look for them. They are lots of fun.

  2. Very pretty, Marianne! Great information on your liner pens...that glitter liner sounds awseome! Not so messy either. YEAH! Good news...yellow is getting to be my new fav color , but maybe still neck to neck with orange! This says I am a fun loving person!!! Woo-hooooo!!!

  3. Wonderful Marianne, I do love this piece a lot, too. I am feeling the pull back into the studio, but I seem to be having some problems getting in there again. :)

    This is great for you to share all of this information on the specific hues and the materials you use. I need to see if I can find a flash diffuser for my would make a huge difference!

    Lovely work!

  4. This is just beautiful and yellow IS my favorite color. Thanks for all the info on it. It is amazing what those sparkles add to the mandala. Hmm, I may have to check them out.

  5. Wow, I'm enjoying these posts immensely!! You're so informative and talented. These ATC's will make quite a stunning collection. Every day your latest one is my new favorite!

    Thanks for telling me how you photograph these and for letting us know what type of glitter you use!

    Have a wonderful day ;)

  6. wat n baie interessante pos, nou weet ek so veel meer oor geel. en wat n pragtige dit regtig an atc...baie klein??? kannie glo nie. wfs en liefs skattebol.

  7. Thanks for the explanation on the glitter aspects of your mandalas....I will have a look around on the net, for some here in the this yellow one, another beautiful piece.

  8. Hi Marianne!!!!

    another wonderful piece and what a great read....

    I use glue glitter called is so precise and easy to use...I just ordered 16 new ones....

    the colours are amazing!!!


  9. I see that your theme is to illustrate the chakras. I like this idea. At the end, can you show them all together in one shot? Love the glitter pens.

  10. Sure I´ll do that Suki! Great idea!
    Then it´s easy to see what your favorite color/number is.

  11. Beautiful...What an array of colors you are building...thanks too for the info on the colors, the glitter, the way you photograph...etc...all those little artsy goodies that are so fun to share! :)

  12. Thanks Diana,
    I will look for those as well.
    As a glitter addict I have to try them :)

  13. Yeah, I love your mandala.
    This yellow one brings extra happy and cheerful mood!


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