ATC for number 6
Indigo is the color of the deep midnight sky. It can have a negative effect when used during a depressed state, because it will deepen the mood. Indigo symbolizes a mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization. While blue is the color of communication with others, indigo turns the blue inward, to increase personal thought, profound insights, and instant understandings. While blue can be fast, Indigo is almost instantaneous. Inventors use indigo skills for inspirations that seem to 'come out of the blue'.
Put some indigo in your life when you want:
to focus on personal issues
to develop intuition
to step outside of everyday life for a new and interesting way of viewing a problem
solitude and inner communication
Indigo staat symbool voor mystiek,spirituele krachten en universeel bewustzijn.
Deze kleur maakt ons ontvankelijk voor diepere inzichten, het weten van de zin achter de dingen. Het geeft ons concentratie op dat wat wezenlijk is. Het is de kleur van bestendigheid en diepte.

The Brow Chakra is associated with the color indigo. It is also often referred to as the "third eye" or the "mind center." It is our avenue to wisdom - learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusions is in connection with the healthfulness of this chakra. Achieving the art of detachment beyond "small mindedness" is accomplished through developing impersonal intuitive reasoning. It is through an open brow chakra that visual images are received.
Nummer 6 en indigo horen bij het derde oog chakra "Ajna"
Het voorhoofdchakra zorgt voor een verbinding met de geestelijk wereld en opent de poorten naar intuitieve kennis. In dit chakra kan men het vermogen om telepathisch te communiceren ontwikkelen. Een ander aspect is zelfkennis. Een verstoring van dit chakra uit zich meestal op geestelijk- en zielsniveau, bijvoorbeeld angst, een gevoel van zinloosheid en doelloosheid en concentratieproblemen. De symptonen op fysiek niveau zijn hoofdpijn, migraine en ziekten van de zintuigen. Een overactief voorhoofdchakra kan waanvoorstellingen en schizofrenie tot gevolg hebben.
Het voorhoofdchakra is gezeteld tussen de wenkbrauwen, midden op het voorhoofd en levert energie aan alle endocriene klieren.
Indigo and violet are different from purple, which cannot be seen on the electromagnetic spectrum but can be achieved by mixing mostly blue and part red light. I find mixing indigo difficult but I like the process. I have not found a ready indigo blue acrylic yet.

Just before I left I bought a rainbow maker! Isn´t that cool! It arrived when I was away, so home was waiting a few wonderful and colorful surprises.......(more about the other surprises later)
Rainbow in my room projects a rainbow on your wall. Indigo is between blue and purple, the 6th color of the rainbow.
Net voor ik vertrok had ik een Rainbow in my Room besteld. Eigenlijk voor kinderen, maar we vinden hem allemaal leuk hier in huis!
Hij wachtte op me bij thuiskomst samen met wat andere verassingen (meer daarover later).
rainbow in my room projecteert een regenboog op je muur of plafond.
indigo is ook de zesde kleur van de regenboog, tussen blauw en paars.
Have a Rainbow Day!
I am always amazed at the precision of your mandalas Marianne. Nothing out of place so they are soothing to look at.
ReplyDeleteYour rainbow maker is interesting. I didn'tknow there was such a thing. Now you can have rainbows any time you want them.
hi marianne!
ReplyDeletei just love this series!
Hi MArianne....what a great piece,...I am enjoying these posts!!! and that rainbow maker ...wow ...what a cool idea....you know I will have to find one of these...
Blue is my favorite color! This is lovely with the silver glitter :)
ReplyDeleteMy father in law bought me a different kind of rainbow maker that I loved!! It goes in the window and the sun heats up a dial that turns a prism and the room fills with rainbows! I used to have it at the studio but now it's packed with my art supplies. I must find it!
I love yours with the little puffy cloud :)
Hi Diana I ordered mine on the internet, but maybe the discovery store (or a similar shop) will sell them too.
ReplyDeleteHi Lolo,
yes searching for this one I found the one you have also and I wondered if it would work....
You need sunshine for that, maybe I buy one in the spring
Thank all for your visit and comment . I´m off to visit your blogs now.....
baie mooi, met 'shalom' daar geskryf. het jy vir hb gesien? ons kan nie kommente op haar blog nou sit nie, ek dink sy wil net privaat wees. hoope jy het nou lekker gerus. ek oet my dot pos gaan doen nou. liefs en wfs.
ReplyDeleteMarianne, this is my new favorite. Of course every one you do becomes my newest favorite!
ReplyDeleteHi Meid,weer een beetje bij de mensen?
ReplyDeleteSchitterende Mandala joh,ben gek van indigo.
Van je rainbow krijg ik echt kippevel(vertel ik nog wel)
I love that rainbow maker. Indigo. That's what i need. By the way Elis gave a "recipe" for making indigo out of 2 other colors. I forget what it is though. I looked up indigo paints in my supply book. There are a lot of choices in oil paints but I think only one in acrylic.
ReplyDeleteHow interesting! I have never seen a rainbow maker before!!! Love your mandalas, as usual!!! I did not know finding Indigo was a problem...but then I have never looked for it either! LOLOL. :)
ReplyDeleteMarianne...again delightful beautiful work...plus so much creativity and unique information!!!