This mandala I made for my dear SIL Axelle a few years ago, she will celebrate her birthday Monday and we will visit her! Good to see her again! I love her very much!Normally she doesn´t celebrate but our SIL from Venezuela will be there that day as well.
I am busy with my Mom´s appartment, yesterday I stripped the wallpaper and I will do the other half tommorrow. This week I bought wallpaper and carpet and arranged the curtains to be altered. Wednesday I brought her home from the hairdresser and we had lunch together , that has been years ago!
I Bought a single bed......Monday 9 and 10 March the place will be upholstered and then we can start moving her things in that week. The 16th Mom will move in.
Meanwhile I am working on a very special mandala, which I can´t show you of course.... It is so good working on it in my spare time, it´s like meditation.
Deze mandala heb ik een aantal jaren geleden voor mijn schoonzus Axelle gemaakt van wie ik heel veel hou!
Normaal viert ze haar verjaardag niet, maar maandag is ook onze schoonzus uit Venezuela in het land en gaan we haar bezoeken op haar verjaardag.
Ik ben druk geweest met de kamer van mijn moeder deze week. Sleutel gehaald, de overdracht, Ma van de kapper gehaald met haar geluncht, dat was echt jaren geleden! Spullen besteld en geregeld en gisteren van de helft van de kamer het behang afgetrokken, morgen doe ik de andere helft. 9 en 10 maart komen ze stofferen en daarna kunnen we haar spullen verhuizen. De 16e verhuist Ma zelf.
Ondertussen werk ik aan een heel bijzondere mandala die ik natuurlijk niet kan laten zien........Het is als mediteren in deze drukke tijd waar er veel op me af komt.
This mandala is beautiful Marianne. You and your Mother are also beautiful. You are so busy right now. I am glad you have your art to keep you anchored.
ReplyDeleteHallo bezige bij,mooie foto (ja wat wil je jij staat erop) je moeder geniet fijn he?
ReplyDeleteVind zo jammer dat ik de 16de er niet ben,maar meid we gaan snel een glaasje prik bij d'r drinken op het leven...
Liefs Mar
oh marianne
ReplyDeletethis whole post gave me goosebumps. so much love is here!
My first thought was how wonderful to be spending time together and how lovingly you're getting her place ready.
ReplyDeleteAnd look how lovely you two ladies are! Her dazzling smile, your blue eyes. Wow!
I enlarged the picture to see what you were eating!! :)
Happy Saturday XX
A magnificent mandala...so crisp and clean!
ReplyDeleteWhat a joyful photo...and what a loveing daughter you are...you are one special lady Marianne...We are all blessed to have crossed your path!
Hi Lisa, good to see you again!
ReplyDeleteHi Mar,
Hoe lang ga je weg? Heb je gisteren nog geprobeerd te bellen...., probeer het morgen weer
Thanks Melissa!
Hi Lolo,
I was having sateh with peanut sauce, one of my favorite dishes!
No wonder I am on a diet...... I didn´t take bread or fries, I guess the sauce was a bit heavy but he one has to enjoy life.
Hi Margaret,
I had my issues with my Mom in the past and I don´t consider myself a very good daughter but I guess both of us trying out best possible.....
Are you feeling any better dear?
Lieve Marianne,
ReplyDeleteToen ik je blog opende dacht ik "Hé, die mandala ken ik!" De "puur natuur" staat op een fauteuil naast mijn bed en elke keer dat ik er langs kom (om naar of uit bed te komen) kijk ik er naar. Dan denk ik aan mijn liefste zonnestraal-schoonzusje en krijg ik een glimlach. Ik verheug me op jullie komst op 2 maart: tot overmorgen !
pragtig. ek hou van fotos met jy en jou mammie. sy lyk goed hier. jy is n goeie dogter, dit kan ek gou sien. ek het my wonderlike 'tafelberg' atc gekry, en ek wou net sit en huil, dit is so pragtig. ek sal dit pos op my blog more of maandag...dankie baie baie baie maal, my liewe vriendin, en hierdie week pos ek iets spesiaal vir jou ook. liefs en wfs vir saterdag.
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely picture, and you are so strong and kind to work on mom's apartment so diligently. Family is everything isn't it?
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to you SIL!
ReplyDeleteyour mandala is as beautiful as your kind heart...
as i was reading about your day with your mother... helping her to be more comfortable and more loved... i just wished i could hug you tight...
your mother and you at the table look just sublime...
marianne, i'm only getting to know you yet that photo of you and your mother almost made me cry--probably because i too have a mother and i recognize the love between you and the challenge of transition. that apt is going to look fantastic soon enough! i hope your mother snuggles in and loves her life.
ReplyDeleteyour artwork and sense of spirit has completely captured me marianne!
Beautiful piece... love all the details and spring-like color. I am sure it will be a treasured gift. It is amazing to me how you still manage to make such lovely art, while juggling all sorts of other "life" projects. Good luck with settling your mom in. Thinking of you, Lisa
ReplyDeleteHi Marianne! Beautiful Mandala and Mommy!!! Sounds so great all of the work you are getting done at your Moms new place! I know she will just love it!
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful calm mandala.
ReplyDeleteSo sweet & thoughtful!
You all have such a great time together.
What a lovely photo of you and your Mum and how lovely that she is moving in. My daughter in law's Mum is moving in with my son and her. They had their double garage converted into a fabulous little flat for her. I'm jealous! Such kindness and love in your blog.